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teaching women typical male professions


Nordplus Adult

program project


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The project "Peculiarities of teaching women typical male professions" is a 4 Nordic and Baltic countries:
Iceland (Equality center), Latvia (Eva-93), Sweden (Campus Lidköping) and Lithuania (Vilnius Car
Mechanics and Business school) Nordplus Adult mobility project focus is sharing experience in the
field of education. The project focuses on educational aspects and peculiarities of teaching females stereotypically male professions. The project activities and exchange of good practice help to prepare the teaching staff for changing realities of modern societies and desegregation of sexes in schools that teach typically male professions, as girls comprise an ever increasing number among students. The project is aimed at examining perceptions about typically ‘male’ and ‘female’ occupations in our countries and about the factors hindering women’s professional development.
Culture and religion based prejudices regarding segregation of genders in choosing a profession
is often even more evident among migrant and refugee communities. The Icelandic and Swedish
partner institutions directly work with the migrant women and have gained a lot of valuable experience
throughout the last years. On the other hand, Lithuanian and Latvian partnering institutions have long term experience in teaching women the professions that were traditionally assigned to men.
The blend of similarities and differences of all 4 partnering institutions and educational servises they are rendering will contribute to the usefulness of it.
Project partners are similar since they all render education to adult learners and encounter practical
peculiarities of training women in typical male professions. The educators of the institutions are in
the process of developing educational approach and methodology of teaching females the jobs that
through the ages were considered to be males' jobs. The modern society labour market needs require
the teaching staff not only to teach but also to promote gender equality in the classroom and training placements, and to actually advertize all careers availability to every gender. This project serves as an advertizing chain of educational events for changing of attitudes and teaching/learning approaches both among teaching staff and among learners.
On the other hand, the 4 project partner institutions are also different in various ways, such as size and
specific educational services that they provide municipalities-wise and countries-wise. This factor is also of paramount importance in terms of learning from each other and widening educational horizons for each institution.
As a result, the project allows the exchange of good practice between the educators of all project
participating countries in a very interesting, new and effective way. The teaching staff, learners and
local communities, other educational institutions of similar kind can benefit from project activities. This
Nordplus Adult project serves as a promotion platform for learners to choose professions based on
natural talent more than based on gender and for educators to be more aware of educational needs of
women choosing traditionally male professions and the peculiarities of teaching them.

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 Organizations of

the Project

Anchor 1
Anchor 2


Transnational mobility weeks

10-15 October,2018 

Campus  Västra Skaraborg, Sweden




Equality Center, Iceland

12-16 November,


Learning center Eva-93, Latvia 




Vilnius Car Mechanics and Business school, Lithuania

Transnational meetings

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Program of meeting in Sweden

su Eva.jpg
su imigrantais.jpg
Program in SV
Map in Iceland

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2023-04-18 19:00
San Francisco

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