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The concept 

"E-tool for assessing the professional competences of Car Mechanics in the context of EU experience" is an Erasmus+ Strategic partnership for Innovation Project. The Project team represents 5 different European countries and consists of 5 Transport specialization VET institutions and a HE establishment. The partnership's chosen Horizontal priority is: Open education and innovative practices in a digital era. Partners will create an Innovative open resource for users Europe wide - an E-tool for assessing the professional competences of Car Mechanics in the context of EU experience.

The partners having a long term practice in the field of work are well aware of gaps and lacks of up-to-date resources, tools, teaching, training and learning materials. The necessity of having a modern, common European framework Car mechanics competences assessment digital tool that would be Online based, freely accessible and reflecting a multifaceted  spectrum of car inspection, diagnostics and repair aspects resulted in the Partnership for this Innovative Product.

The E-tool will have 7 major content parts: 1. Engine, 2. Transmission, 3. Chassis, 4. Break system, 5. Automobile Comfort, 6. Electronic management system, 7. Electrical engineering. All of the tasks will focus on Car inspection, diagnostics and maintenance. The tasks will include visualized, animated, video supported features in order to make the Tool effective, clear, suitable for both training purposes and examination/competences testing activities. The wide variety of tasks in each Content part, digitalization of the Tool, quality design  and the Product's free access on a website Online will make it an appealing open resource contributing to development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences of  European Car mechanics.

This will become a reality through common effort of  international group of this Project's researchers and technicians during 1,5 year of Project's duration. Collaborative work on an assigned E-tool Content part in national teams, 4 transnational meetings for Project management and coordination, regular virtual meetings, work peer reviews, digitalization of the tasks, 5 multiplier events, ongoing Project dissemination, advertising of the E-tool and finally its launching in 2020 is the main activity plan of the Project.

The experience accumulated by the partnering organizations, qualified staff of profession teachers and professors allows to assume that the production of such an E-tool will not only be a quality one, but also become a welcome addition to the treasure trove of resources of any Transport sector VET or HE establishment, business or individual.  The opportunity to work on the Intellectual Output of this Erasmus+ partnership will increase  the capacity of the institutions involved, their learners and staff, but also the whole Transport sector in Europe will be positively impacted. The entire network of European VET Transport and namely Car mechanics sector will benefit from coming into being of such a handy Tool. The colleagues of the Sector - Car mechanics and automobile engineering  profession teachers, professors, learners of any age or stage of education, even Transport businesses will be equipped with a resource even after the completion of this Project. The E-tool will remain available long term on a website platform due to affordable obligation of the partners to ensure its sustainability and  commitment to work towards its updating in the future years as well.

Through dissemination work this Product will be introduced to the public and made known, available to Transport sector VET institutions and other interested parties reaching as wide audience as possible.

E-tool for assessing the professional competences of Car Mechanics in the context of EU experience - a tool for every car mechanic to excel and subsequently for every car user to get a better service Europe wide. 

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